Are You Treating People Fairly?

Proverbs 28:5 The wicked don’t understand justice, but those who love the LORD understand it completely.

When it comes to this idea of justice, all too often we’re tempted to operate by a double standard. When we’re on the receiving end, we set the bar high. We expect to be treated fairly. But when the shoe’s on the other foot … sometimes we set the bar way too low.

Over the years, one of the more unpleasant things I’ve had to do in leadership is to fire people. In forty years it’s something I’ve had to do perhaps a dozen times, and it’s never fun.

But if you can’t change the people, sometimes you just have to change the people. And yet, the most important thing always is to treat the individual concerned fairly and with dignity.

That means talking with them, telling them specifically how and where they don’t measure up, and giving them both the opportunity to share their viewpoint and to change their ways.

Most recently, we had someone in the ministry with whom we went through this process for eighteen months. Some would argue that’s way too long and it wasn’t easy. But the more grey hairs I get on my head, the closer I draw to Jesus, the more important it becomes to me to treat people fairly.

Proverbs 28:5 The wicked don’t understand justice, but those who love the LORD understand it completely.

Who in your life just at the moment isn’t delivering, isn’t performing, isn’t doing what they should be doing? And let me ask you, are you treating them fairly?

Have you told them explicitly where they’re not measuring up? Have you taken the time to hear and to understand their side of the story? Have you given them the time, the help, and the opportunity they need to change their ways?

Because anything less than that is unfair. Anything less than that ain’t justice. At least, not God’s justice.

Those who love the LORD understand it completely.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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That’s true. For us to treat people fairly does not only require selflessness, but courage as well. Thanks you, ...


That’s true. For us to treat people fairly does not only require selflessness, but courage as well. Thanks you, and above all thanks be to God.