Even the Smallest Thing

Proverbs 19:21 The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. (NRSV)

There’s nothing more annoying than when you have a really good plan for how things should unfold in your life, and somehow that plan gets completely derailed. Why does God let that happen? What’s He up to?

Each of us can doubtless point back to some small decision way back when that, as it turned out, changed the course of our lives.

I remember walking out of church one day – I’d only been a Christian for a few months and on a whim I picked up a brochure from a local Bible college. And it’s while studying at that college that I came into contact with the ministry of Christianityworks. These days, I’m able share the love of God with millions of people each week around the globe, all because on a whim I picked up that brochure.

Sometimes we behave as though we’re in control of our own destiny. As though, If I do ‘x’ and ‘y’ and work hard, then I’ll achieve ‘z’. Don’t get me wrong – I believe in planning and I believe in working hard.

But it’s all too easy to get things out of perspective. And for me, the story of that little brochure is a powerful reality check.

Proverbs 19:21 The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. (NRSV)

It may well be that in our hearts we each plot out the course of our lives. It’s natural that we should do that. But in reality, it’s God Himself who determines our steps, because for Him it’s all about His purposes being established.

So the next time life takes a twist or turn that you didn’t expect, don’t be surprised, don’t be disappointed, because God is working His mighty plans and purposes out in you and through you.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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