
Psalm 25:9 He teaches his ways to humble people. He leads them with fairness.

We live in a world where we’re encouraged to do our best. From a young age, we’re taught that succeeding and winning are good things. And they are! But at what cost?

Some years ago, I had the privilege of travelling to Government House in Australia’s National capital Canberra, to interview the then Governor General, the Queen’s constitutional representative, Sir William Dean.

It was pretty daunting I have to tell you. I was nervous.

But as I entered the front door of Government House, and Sir William came walking down this rather grand corridor, he had a smile on his face. He shook my hand and immediately set me at ease. He showed me around the place before we recorded the interview.

And it struck me. Here was the man with the highest office in the land; with the constitutional power to dismiss the government. And yet, his whole demeanour was of humility. That’s the best word to describe it.

I’ll never forget that experience. He left a lasting impression on me. Before meeting him, honestly, humility wasn’t a quality that I’d thought all that much about. And let’s face it, in a world where everyone seems intent on putting their best foot forward, it isn’t one of those qualities that people talk all that much about. But humility is something that God holds in very high regard.

Psalm 25:9 He teaches his ways to humble people. He leads them with fairness.

Humility is not thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought. It’s choosing to put others first. Humility rejoices in seeing other people in the limelight. Humility is accepting God’s ways above our ways. Humility is opening our hearts to correction and instruction.

Humility. It’s a precious thing.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Think B D is fab

Think B D is fab

Garron Farrell

What a wonderful word of truth and revelation, that God teaches the humble and we become humble to know how to ...


What a wonderful word of truth and revelation, that God teaches the humble and we become humble to know how to demonstrate and live a life of humility. What a awsome God we serve.