If Only I Had Listened
Isaiah 48:17-18 The LORD, the Savior, the Holy One of Israel, says, “I am the LORD your God. I teach you for your own good. I lead you in the way you should go. If you had obeyed me, then peace would have come to you like a full flowing river. Good things would have come to you again and again, like the waves of the sea.

Looking back on your life, how many times have you been given good advice by some well-meaning person and yet, through your own pigheadedness, ignored it … only to run headlong into some blunder that cost you dearly? I think if I had a dollar for every time I’ve done that, I’d be pretty darned rich!
I was intrigued by this article from the website foreignpolicy.com. I quote …
“As dawn broke on December 7, 1941, the Japanese struck the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, pushing a once-reluctant America headlong into World War II. The naval base was utterly unprepared for battle, even though the United States had managed to break Japanese diplomatic codes in the lead-up to the assault, and a military attaché in Java had warned Washington of a planned Japanese attack on Hawaii, the Philippines, and Thailand a week earlier. ‘Never before have we had so complete an intelligence picture of the enemy,’ wrote Roberta Hostetter.”
We’ve all done it, haven’t we … ignored the intelligence, ignored the advice with disastrous consequences? If only we’d listened.
Isaiah 48:17-18 The LORD, the Saviour, the Holy One of Israel, says, “I am the LORD your God. I teach you for your own good. I lead you in the way you should go. If you had obeyed me, then peace would have come to you like a full flowing river. Good things would have come to you again and again, like the waves of the sea. NRSV
#NoteToSelf: Don’t ignore God’s teaching, God’s wisdom, God’s counsel. It’s just not worth it.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.
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