It All Begins with the Heart

Proverbs 27:19 Just as you can see your own face reflected in water, so your heart reflects the kind of person you are.

If there’s one thing in life that’s perhaps more important than any other, it’s the need for us to be honest with ourselves – to take a look and really see ourselves for who we are, for who we’ve become.

That ability to stand back and reflect on ourselves, on our circumstances, on our responses to different triggers that set us off, is a God-given gift. There’s no other creature on this earth capable of that sort of self-reflection.

Yet all too often, it’s a gift that we squander, simply living each day as it comes, responding the way we’ve always responded, going to bed, getting up again tomorrow, doing it all again.

Each morning, we see our own face in the mirror. But when do we stop to reflect on what’s going on in our hearts? Why it’s going on? How we might live life and respond to all the things out there differently, better today, hmm?

Proverbs 27:19 Just as you can see your own face reflected in water, so your heart reflects the kind of person you are.

There’s a real risk that as we deal with the minute-by-minute minutia that life dishes up to us each day, we allow the days, the weeks, the months … the years, to slip by without really thinking all too much about things. But everything that we are, all that we do … begins in the heart.

Your heart reflects the kind of person you are.

Well, what kind of person are you? Who have you become? Is this who you really want to be, how you want to live? Think about it …

Your heart reflects the kind of person you are.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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