Are You on a Media Junk Food Diet?

Proverbs 23:20-21 Don't make friends with people who drink too much wine and eat too much food. Those who eat and drink too much become poor. They sleep too much and end up wearing rags.

These days, people are dropping like flies from obesity, heart attack, stroke, diabetes. And yet, pretty much none of those diseases existed a hundred years ago. They’re a product of a western diet laced in sugar, refined carbohydrates and so-called “healthy” vegetable oils.

Take those out of your diet, get back to the healthy stuff that our grandparents ate, and your risk of getting those diseases plummets. The problem is – and the media is a lot to blame here – that we’re constantly being told that the foods our grandparents ate back when almost no one had heart attacks or diabetes – foods like butter, eggs, cheese – are bad for us.

And foods that didn’t exist back then, but only came into being just a few years before metabolic syndrome started killing people – like margarine and all those processed foods – are good for us.

For how long were we told not to eat butter, and that margarine was the healthy option? Don’t have saturated animal fats, replace them with vegetable oils. And so back in the 1990’s your local fish ‘n chip shop removed the lard that it was using and replaced it with these so-called vegetable oils in which to fry your food.

Of course other than the very healthy oils like olive and avocado, there’s no such thing as vegetable oil. They’re actually seed oils, extracted by crushing seeds under high heat. And what we now know about these factory produced seed oils, is that (a) they’re highly unstable and (b) they’re full of highly inflammatory Omega 6.

The research is very clearly pointing to the fact that these so-called healthy “vegetable” oils, are major contributors to heart disease, stroke, obesity, cancer and diabetes for those very reasons.

Think about it. When your grandparents were young, they ate lots of animal fats, and at the same time, all those diseases were rare as hens’ teeth. History speaks for itself.

Now, I’m not a doctor. So don’t take my word for it. Go and do the research for yourself. With all my heart, I believe that the media has us duped into thinking that what’s healthy is bad for us, and what’s bad for us is healthy.

It seems to me that we’re on a media junk food diet. And it’s killing us.

That, I believe, is God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Carol Bayley

I NEVER eat junk food. Or take-away food!

I NEVER eat junk food. Or take-away food!