Saved From the Lion’s Mouth

2 Timothy 4:17,18 But the Lord stayed with me. The Lord gave me strength so that I could tell the Good News everywhere. He wanted all those who are not Jews to hear that Good News. So I was saved from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will save me when anyone tries to hurt me. He will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. Glory forever and ever be the Lord’s. Amen.

There are times in life when things seem to be going along pretty well. And then there are times when it all comes crashing down around our ears, at which point we desperately want God to step in to save the day.

When was the last time that happened to you? You were in a terrible spot. You really needed God to intervene in a powerful, miraculous way; to literally save you, or someone you love, from the lion’s mouth. So you pray and pray and pray … and sometimes, God steps in. Other times He doesn’t.

Sometimes He’ll heal a loved one of cancer … other times He’ll let them die. It almost feels like a lottery – like the toss of the coin in a game of chance. Not very encouraging, is it? Is that the way it’s meant to be? Writes the wise, old Apostle Paul to his young ministry protégé Timothy:

2 Timothy 4:17,18 But the Lord stayed with me. The Lord gave me strength so that I could tell the Good News everywhere. He wanted all those who are not Jews to hear that Good News. So I was saved from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will save me when anyone tries to hurt me. He will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. Glory forever and ever be the Lord’s. Amen.

So, what’s he saying here? Yes, God stepped in time and time again to save Paul. Why? Because God had a purpose for him, to proclaim the Gospel (radically!) to the Gentiles. But that was never going to last forever. Paul knew that. That’s why he trusted God to bring him safely into His heavenly kingdom.

Trust God. He knows what He’s doing.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Henry Graham Davies

Why I ask myself , haven’t we got the time in this busy life style we’re in !! To say Thank you all at ...


Why I ask myself , haven’t we got the time in this busy life style we’re in !!
To say Thank you all at Christianity works for these messages of the goodness of God !! How He is always there for Us !!
Thank you . Henry