Silent for Us

Mark 15:4-5 So Pilate asked Jesus another question. He said, "You can see that these people are accusing you of many things. Why don't you answer?" But Jesus still did not answer, and this really surprised Pilate.

When I first became a Christian, no one ever explained to me exactly why Jesus had to die on that cross. They just assumed I knew.

When someone accuses you of doing something you didn’t do, what’s your response? I guess our natural instinct is to defend ourselves – to prove our innocence, to set the record straight. I mean, why not?

And yet Jesus, as He was accused of all sorts of things He didn’t do by people who weren’t worthy of Him, as He stood before Pontius Pilate, with His very life hanging in the balance, He said … nothing. Absolutely nothing. I mean … He was facing crucifixion! He knew that. A brutal death on a cross, and yet He didn’t defend Himself. Why? What was He hiding? What was He thinking?

Mark 15:4-5 So Pilate asked Jesus another question. He said, “You can see that these people are accusing you of many things. Why don’t you answer?” But Jesus still did not answer, and this really surprised Pilate.

What was really going on here, behind the scenes? What could Jesus see that no one else could see?

Well, as He stood before Pilate, Jesus knew that He was standing trial in a different court; in the only court that mattered; the court of God’s justice. And He was there, on trial, on my behalf and yours.

The reason He didn’t say anything, was because He was carrying my sin and your sin on His shoulders. As He stood there on trial before God, His Father, He knew why He was there. And He knew that there simply was no defence.

Jesus was silent for you and for me. They trialled Him. They flogged Him. They nailed Him to a cross – My cross; your cross.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Dot Singleton

When I’m feeling lost and alone you are always there to remind me. Thank you

When I’m feeling lost and alone you are always there to remind me. Thank you

Narelle Cruickshank

Wow Berni that one’s intense and hits the nail right in the head…. stops you in your tracks!

Wow Berni that one’s intense and hits the nail right in the head…. stops you in your tracks!