Stealing Peace

Isaiah 32:17-18 The effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.

I don’t think there’s a one of us, who deep down, doesn’t yearn for peace. And yet all too often, we do the very things, that end up robbing us of our peace.

I spent most of my life thinking that those Christians were nutters, I mean really… I was living my life, my way, getting rich, building a career – they weren’t going to tell me how to run my life, or their God for that matter! But, behind all that bravado, there was one thing missing. Peace.

We often talk about peace, or the lack of it, in terms of the wars going on around the world. But rarely, if ever, do we talk about peace, or the lack of it, in our own lives.

It seems that we just take the turmoil in our lives, as a given. As though the absence of a deep, abiding peace, is somehow normal. Have you noticed?

Back in the Old Testament one of the Prophets, Isaiah – says this:

Isaiah 32:17-18 The effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.

You know what – that Isaiah guy, he’s onto something. Deep down, sure, we want peace in our lives. And yet, at the same time, we’re prone to heading off clear in the opposite direction. We do all the stupid things under the sun that rob us of peace. Selfishness, anger, resentment – me, me, me, as though somehow those things aren’t going to rob you of your peace.

Listen. Peace flows out of righteousness; out of getting your life right with God; out of a personal relationship with Jesus.

God wants you to live in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, in quiet resting places.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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