Struggling with God’s Promises

Acts 7:5 God did not give Abraham any of this land, not even a foot of it. But God promised that in the future he would give Abraham this land for himself and for his children. This was before Abraham had any children.

Sometimes God’s promises seem impossible – I mean patently ridiculous, to put it bluntly. And yet, God is the God of the impossible. God is the God who never fails us … even if sometimes He takes longer than we would like.

Have you ever struggled to believe in God’s promises? I mean … seriously, He makes some truly grand promises, doesn’t He?

One time He promised Abraham, an old man who had no children, that he’d have his own land and more descendants than he could ever have imagined. Not surprisingly, it was a bit of struggle for old Abe to believe this stuff. It was patently ridiculous.

Acts 7:5 God did not give Abraham any of this land, not even a foot of it. But God promised that in the future he would give Abraham this land for himself and for his children. This was before Abraham had any children.

And yet, God has this amazing way of leading ordinary people like Abraham, you, and me on a journey – a journey that we struggle on sometimes, but a journey where God not only writes His promises on our hearts, but in His good time delivers on them.

And when it feels tough and the promises seem impossible – as they did many times on Abraham’s 25 year journey – all God asks of us is just to keep hanging in there – to keep believing.

That’s what old Abe did – not perfectly, mind you. He made plenty of mistakes along the way, but he hung in there.

Now in his lifetime he didn’t see all those promises fulfilled, but God did give Him a son, Isaac. Now that name, Isaac, means, “he laughs”. Who said God didn’t have a sense of humour?

Look … God knows that the journey’s hard for you sometimes. But hang in there. Keep believing. Don’t give up.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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