This is What We Pray (1)

Colossians 1:9 Since the day we heard these things about you, we have continued praying for you. This is what we pray: that God will make you completely sure of what he wants by giving you all the wisdom and spiritual understanding you need.

It’s very rare indeed for anyone, irrespective of what they may or may not believe, to knock back the offer of someone praying for them. It happens occasionally, but most people think to themselves, “Well, it can’t hurt, can it?”

I’ve just seen too many answers to prayer in my life and the lives of others for me not to believe that (a) God is indeed there, and (b) that He answers us when we pray.

Life’s complicated, right? Messy sometimes, and often uncertain. How do I handle this? Which way should I turn? And it’s into the middle of the complexity, the messiness, the uncertainty of life under Roman rule in the 1st Century AD that the Apostle Paul prays this for his friends in Colossae:

Colossians 1:9 Since the day we heard these things about you, we have continued praying for you. This is what we pray: that God will make you completely sure of what he wants by giving you all the wisdom and spiritual understanding you need.

If God exists, if He is indeed all-powerful and all-loving, if He actually answers prayers, what a great thing to pray: that He would makes us completely certain of what He wants. How? By giving us all (How much? All!) the wisdom and understanding that we need.

So when life’s complicated, messy, uncertain, remember … you can pray. And as you pour your heart out to God, one way or another He will make you completely certain of what He wants for you.

Because that’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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