The View from Heaven’s Balcony

Isaiah 51:13 The LORD made you. With his power he made the earth and spread the sky over the earth. But you forgot him, so you are always afraid that angry men will hurt you. Those men planned to destroy you, but where are they now? 

It’s a funny thing, but things look quite different, depending on where you sit. I imagine that in a courtroom for instance, the view from the judge’s bench, the perspective that you get on proceedings from that seat, appear quite different from the view you get, say, from the prisoner’s dock. Same situation – different perspective.

It’s something that happens every day of our lives. People see the same things differently, because of where they sit.

For instance, when you’re slogging away down here on planet earth, doing life, navigating the ups and downs, the twists and turns in the road, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the problems, the obstacles, the risks because they appear to be so big.

But have you ever wondered what your life, your challenges, your ups and downs, your twists and turns look like, from where God sits? From His perspective, knowing all that He knows, seeing all that He sees? If you could join Him, even for a fleeting moment, on heaven’s balcony and see the view from where He sits, what would your life look like?

The LORD made you. With his power he made the earth and spread the sky over the earth. But you forgot him, so you are always afraid that angry men will hurt you. Those men planned to destroy you, but where are they now? (Isaiah 51:13)

What’s God saying to you today through His Word? Here’s what I think. We forget that He made us. We forget that with His infinite power He made this amazing earth, not to mention the trillion, trillion stars in the universe that through our feeble technology we’re aware of … there are countless more. His power is indescribable, unfathomable.

And we sit here wallowing in our fears. Afraid of what other people will do to us. To God, from His viewpoint, how big do you imagine that the biggest, the hairiest, the ugliest, the most brutal problem in your life actually appears?

I’m thinking that to Him, it looks like an insignificant speck of dust.

Maybe faith is this: having joined God for a brief moment on Heaven’s balcony, having believed His Word and seen your life and all its problems from His perspective – coming back down to earth and believing, thinking, speaking and acting as though as His view, is the only view.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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