When Will Evil End?

Matthew 25:46 Then these evil people will go away to be punished forever. But the godly people will go and enjoy eternal life.

With all that’s going on around the world, many of us are asking ourselves – when is all this evil going to end? And that’s not, by any stretch, an unreasonable question. When will it end?

Why does a God of love allow all this warmongering with so many innocent victims, many of them children, being killed, maimed, traumatised? Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? Why does He let this one person in my life get away with such terrible, destructive behaviour? Why doesn’t He just stomp it out, this so-called God of love?

But at the same time, many of the people asking those questions, don’t want God to say anything that’ll offend their sensibilities. All these Christians talk about heaven and hell, sin and righteousness, God’s judgement. Surely that can’t be right either!

But if you want a God without judgement, then you’re stuck with evil. If you want evil to end, then you need a God who’ll judge with justice and righteousness. And it’s for that very reason that Jesus Himself said this:

Matthew 25:46 Then these evil people will go away to be punished forever. But the godly people will go and enjoy eternal life.

In fact, God’s righteousness, His judgement and the eternal punishment that’s coming for those who reject Him was something that Jesus talked about rather a lot.

You can’t have it both ways. If you want evil eventually to end, you need God to judge evil. Then, those evil people will go away to be punished forever. It will come to an end.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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