A Time of Temptation

Mark 1:12,13 Then the Spirit sent Jesus into the desert alone. He was there for 40 days, being tempted by Satan. During this time he was out among the wild animals. Then angels came and helped him.

Whenever things press in on us – be they physical, emotional or spiritual – have you noticed this; temptation seems to come at you at a far greater rate of knots? It’s almost as though someone knows you’re struggling so they take the opportunity kick you while you’re down.

Temptation is something of a sensitive subject. We don’t like to talk about it because we’re afraid of what people think. Why is that? Doubtless because we labour under the false assumption that we’re the only ones being tempted.

But that’s simply not true. Temptation hits all of us, especially when we’re in a tight spot, especially if you’re someone who, with all your heart, wants to honour God. No one is exempt. Not even Jesus.

Mark 1:12,13 Then the Spirit sent Jesus into the desert alone. He was there for 40 days, being tempted by Satan. During this time he was out among the wild animals. Then angels came and helped him.

The physical circumstances in which Jesus found Himself were horrific. Quite literally, the Spirit of God threw Him out into the desert amongst the wild animals where He starved for forty days and forty nights. He was weak, frail, hard pressed in every way … and it was then that Satan came to tempt Him.

Does that pattern sound at all familiar? And yet in that terrible place, God was with Him. Right there, under those difficult circumstances, though doubtless He felt very alone, His Father was there with Him. And then, just at the right time, angels came and helped him.

No, you’re not the only one. And no, you’re not alone.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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