A Victim Mentality Will Destroy You

Psalm 73:26 Maybe my mind and body will become weak, but God is my source of strength. He is mine forever!

Identity politics is something that seems to be taking the world by storm these days. It’s this idea that if you criticise me in any way – my lifestyle choices, my point of view and so on – you’re attacking my identity, and you don’t have a right to do that.

I’m sure you’ve seen this identity politics thing playing itself out where you live. If you disagree with my politics, my sexuality, whatever ideology it happens to be … you’re robbing me of who I am!

You have to be so careful these days, because you might hurt someone’s feelings.

Do we deliberately want to hurt people’s feelings? Of course not! But at the same time, we should be able to share thoughts, to debate ideas, and indeed, to disagree freely. After all, free speech is only free speech if it includes the stuff you agree with, AND stuff you don’t agree with.

Why are we talking about this? Because this victim mentality – and let’s be clear, that’s what it is! – can easily rub off on you and me. We start feeling damaged because those people out there are attacking our faith in Jesus. That’s not fair. They shouldn’t be allowed to do that

Is it difficult sometimes when someone criticises or belittles our faith? Yes, it is! Of course it is. So … what’s the answer?

Psalm 73:26 Maybe my mind and body will become weak, but God is my source of strength. He is mine forever!

The answer is that God is your strength. The answer is that when people attack you because of your faith, shun you, revile you, belittle you … you can turn to Him with full confidence, knowing that He is your source of strength and He is yours forever.

Don’t let identity politics rub off on you. Don’t play the victim. It’ll destroy you.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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It’s 1:22 am here and just as our Father works, my phone was on my nightstand and wasn’t turned down all of ...


It’s 1:22 am here and just as our Father works, my phone was on my nightstand and wasn’t turned down all of the way, and buzzed when this email came in! I picked it up to turn it down and saw this! It EXACTLY what I needed! As I have been struggling with this, my feelings getting hurt, and I know that our Father doesn’t change, and it’s not Him that has hurt me, but I have been standoffish, out of fear (we know who that comes from) of getting hurt. Thankfully our Father, and Lord, is deeply concerned about everything in our lives, including our feelings, as He loves us so, so much.

I was awoken to get get this message! Thank you oh so VERY much Father, and to you for being willing servants, and passing on the message. Please, pray for me and my feelings 🙂 may all my wounds be bound up in His AMAZING love, mercy and Grace, as He blankets me with His peace. May any wounds that I have for walking in his way, be wiped away. In Jesus’ name I ask.