Church Evacuation Plan

Hebrews 10:24,25 We should think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and do good works. We must not quit meeting together, as some are doing. No, we need to keep on encouraging each other. This becomes more and more important as you see the Day getting closer.

So many people who believe in Jesus have stopped being part of a church. Now, church isn’t necessarily the traditional stone edifice down on the corner. It can be a handful of believers meeting together in a cafe. But many of God’s people aren’t even doing that

Occupational Health and Safety (or OH&S as it’s called) is a good thing, although you can take it too far!

A friend of mine recently noticed an evacuation plan in one of those clear plastic sleeves hanging off the back pew at his church. So, being one for a bit of a laugh he said to the minister, “I get it – that’s for when the sermon gets too boring!”

After all, religion is boring. I mean, who’d want to get up on Sunday of all days – the day of rest – go and sit in a hard pew and listen to some guy drone on for half an hour or more?!

Well, I can’t comment on your local church. Maybe it is boring, but maybe you’d get a surprise if you walked in. Here’s what “church” is meant to be:

Hebrews 10:24,25 We should think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and do good works. We must not quit meeting together, as some are doing. No, we need to keep on encouraging each other. This becomes more and more important as you see the Day getting closer.

… a place where we encourage one another. I know, I know … your local church may not be all that perfect. Nor is mine. But here’s what it can be; a place where you go and encourage other people in their faith; a place where you can make an eternal difference in other people’s lives.

We must not quit meeting together, as some are doing. No, we need to keep on encouraging each other.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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