Come, Discover My Mercy

Ephesians 2:4,5 But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ.

Mercy is a word that we Christians bandy around rather too loosely, I think. What I mean by that, is that when we talk about God’s mercy, do we really know what that means? Really?

There are times in our lives when we know that we’ve blown it. I mean … completely blown it. There is nothing worse than waking up the morning after the night before and remembering that you hurt someone you loved and damaged a relationship that was so terribly important to you.

How could I have been so stupid?! How could I have said that? How could I have done that?

Yes, I know. You’ve been there, right? So have I. Where do you go from there? What do you do? How do you fix it?

Well, what if it’s not up to you?

I remember one time when I was in that place, when the person whom I’d hurt reached out to me and without berating me, without showing anger, without judging me, simply forgave me and opened the door to healing our relationship.

I will never forget it. That person was Jesus. What He did, is called mercy. And here’s the thing. Mercy is only mercy when it’s undeserved. If we deserved it, it wouldn’t be mercy, would it?

Ephesians 2:4,5 But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ. (You have been saved by God’s grace.)

That doesn’t just tell us that God is merciful. It tells us, in fact, as God the Holy Spirit is speaking to us right here through the Apostle Paul, that He is rich in mercy. Abounding in mercy. That’s the Good News. That’s the truth.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Louella Snow

So uplifting. His mercy is new every morning. Praise the Lord

So uplifting. His mercy is new every morning. Praise the Lord