My Best for My Children

Proverbs 22:6 Teach children in a way that fits their needs, and even when they are old, they will not leave the right path.

The Bible says that children are a blessing from God, and, of course, they are. But let’s face it, bringing up children is hard work. It’s a long road. And it’s easy to lose sight of the end goal.

Okay, so one year is about to draw to a close, and another is about to begin. No doubt, your thoughts are turning to the year ahead, planning, dreaming, hoping.

So, where do your children fit in your plans? Busy, busy, busy, and let’s face it, the kids are such hard work. They grind you down. So, it’s easy just to give up on them.

That’s why so many parents, these days, let their children run riot and get away with murder. That’s the model that way too many parents are opting for. The problem is that when you do that, what you’re really telling your children, is that you don’t love them enough to invest your energy in guiding them into adulthood.

Proverbs 22:6 Teach children in a way that fits their needs, and even when they are old, they will not leave the right path.

I remember my parents disciplining me when I was young. No, it wasn’t a lot of fun at the time. But now, as an adult, I don’t hold that against them. To the contrary, I am so grateful that they invested the effort in me.

And discipline is an investment. It takes effort. It takes emotional energy that sometimes we feel that we don’t have.

But when we discipline them, when we teach them, when we guide them over and over again, with love in our hearts, that’s one of the greatest things we can ever do for them.

Your investment in your children, or the lack of it, will impact the rest of their lives, and the lives of generations to come.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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