My Best for My Marriage

John 3:17 God sent his Son into the world. He did not send him to judge the world guilty, but to save the world through him.

Often in our planning for the future, the one thing we leave out of our thinking, is our marriage. The most important of all human relationships.

As you begin to think about the year that lies ahead, if you’re someone who’s married, let me ask you, what are your plans for your marriage? What priority does your soulmate have in your plans? What are you going to invest in your marriage, to make it better, stronger, more intimate in this coming year?

Marriage starts with an attraction and then a romance. But pretty soon, reality sets in: work, the mortgage, kids, that whole routine. And what happens, all too often, is that years down the track, you turn around and discover that the two of you have grown apart instead of closer together.

Whatever happened to this becoming one flesh thing?

Well, all too often a couple’s differences and arguments tear husband and wife apart. They start judging one another, condemning each another. And there’s only one direction that that’s headed!!

So, as you contemplate your marriage in this year ahead, here’s a model, a framework, for investing in that most important of human relationships.

When God sent His Son to die for us, it was the greatest act of love in all of history. God’s Son as a ransom for you and me.

John 3:17 God sent his Son into the world. He did not send him to judge the world guilty, but to save the world through him.

And that saving, that salvation as we now call it, came at the price of His life. It cost everything. Love always does.

I wonder what would happen to your marriage, if instead of judging one another, you loved each other the way Jesus first loved you. Hmm?

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Great topic… one close to the heart. Unfortunately my marriage has disintegrated due to putting our marriage ...


Great topic… one close to the heart. Unfortunately my marriage has disintegrated due to putting our marriage last. Kids… mortgage… work… mother n law was before our marriage. Silly mistake… lesson learned.
Marriage after God is a PRIORITY!

Infidelity ruined my marriage but GOD IS STILL MY PRIORITY and then my 3 beautiful blessings!