Protection and Kindness

Psalm 84:11 The LORD God is our protector and glorious king. He blesses us with kindness and honour. The LORD freely gives every good thing to those who do what is right.

Most men love to bless their families; their wife, their children and in my case too, my grandchildren. It’s just such a delight to be able bless those whom we love most. But there’s something else we love to do, something that comes from a very deep and strong instinct.

It seems that God, in His wisdom, made men physically stronger than women and, certainly, children. That hasn’t always worked out so well, as some have used that strength in the wrong way …in many cases down through the millennia in terrible ways.

Still today, domestic violence, the subjugation of women, their enslavement in many cases remains such a scourge on this earth. In fact, in many places those terrible things are on the rise.

But when we men use our strength in the right way, in a good way, not only do we use it to bless our families but we also use it to protect them; to keep them safe. And that instinct to protect is something that, without doubt, comes to us from God Himself.

Psalm 84:11 The LORD God is our protector and glorious king. He blesses us with kindness and honour. The LORD freely gives every good thing to those who do what is right.

We all too often only look to God for His blessings. Sure, He does want to bless you with every good thing when you honour Him, when you do what’s right. But never forget that, first and foremost, He’s your protector; He’s your safe harbour. Our glorious God is mighty to save.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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