The Battle Unseen

Ephesians 6:11-12 Wear the full armour of God. Wear God's armour so that you can fight against the devil's clever tricks. Our fight is not against people on earth. We are fighting against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world's darkness. We are fighting against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly places.

Like it or not, the moment you choose to believe in Jesus, you’re stepping onto a spiritual battlefield, and the enemy has you in his sights.

As we live out our day-to-day lives, the easiest thing in the world to do is to forget that there’s a spiritual dimension; that there are forces of evil in the heavenly places working against us. As I said, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do.

Not long after the second Iraq war, I went to see a movie about that war. It was difficult to watch – the chaos, the bloodshed, the brutality.

Of course, back then, we’d seen the war every night on the evening news as it was happening. And still today you’ll occasionally hear about yet another suicide bombing in Bagdad. But, even though I knew about the war … it was distant. It wasn’t real somehow, until I saw that movie and the brutal reality hit home.

I wonder sometimes if it isn’t the same with the spiritual battle that’s raging – a battle for my soul and yours. People sometimes scoff at me when I talk about the devil, but he is real. He is. And there is a battle raging for your soul in the spiritual dimension.

But to most of us it’s just not real. Maybe that’s why we don’t take it seriously until something happens – to make the brutal reality hit home. So …

Ephesians 6:11-12 Wear the full armour of God. Wear God’s armour so that you can fight against the devil’s clever tricks. Our fight is not against people on earth. We are fighting against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world’s darkness. We are fighting against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly places.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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