There Are No Shortcuts
1 Samuel 16:13 Samuel took the horn with the oil in it, and poured the special oil on Jesse’s youngest son in front of his brothers. The Spirit of the LORD came on David with great power from that day on.

I don’t think there’s one of us who hasn’t wished that we could be an overnight success. Can’t we just dispense with the humdrum, the hard yards and arrive, for goodness sakes?
What makes it even worse is when you hear about some kid becoming an overnight squillionaire as an Instagram sensation or by inventing something cool. And even though we know that’s one in a million, we still wish it could happen to us. After all, why not you, why not me?
Back in the day, God was looking to appoint a king for Israel. The current one, Saul, was headed off the rails so He sent Samuel the Prophet out to anoint a new king. If you know the story, eventually he found David and …
1 Samuel 16:13 Samuel took the horn with the oil in it, and poured the special oil on Jesse’s youngest son in front of his brothers. The Spirit of the LORD came on David with great power from that day on.
Wow. I’m going to be the king of Israel … but for David it was back to the humdrum of tending sheep. He subsequently fought many battles. Saul hunted him down and tried to kill him. David had so much to go through before ascending the throne.
As Canadian Pastor Raymond Woodward puts it … “Anointing didn’t take David straight to the palace, it returned him to the sheep pen. Anointing doesn’t bypass process – it binds you to it. It’s dangerous to be released without bearing responsibility. It’s dangerous to become a king without first being a keeper.”
#NoteToSelf: there are no shortcuts.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.
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