Things That Matter

Exodus 20:3-5 You must not worship any other gods except me. You must not make any idols. Don't make any statues or pictures of anything up in the sky or of anything on the earth or of anything down in the water. Don't worship or serve idols of any kind, because I, the LORD, am your God. I hate my people worshiping other gods. People who sin against me become my enemies, and I will punish them. And I will punish their children, their grandchildren, and even their great-grandchildren.

Just think for a moment about all the stuff that you own. The possessions you’ve surrounded yourself with. Honestly, in the scheme of things, how important are they to you?

A little while back now, my wife and I downsized from a house to an apartment and so we had to sell a lot of our furniture because it wasn’t all going to fit.

It’s an interesting process – that letting go of things. It tells you something about where your heart is. I looked at the lounge suite, it was so comfortable, and it went so well in our house.

Part of me, well, there was a tinge of sadness. I mean, we do surround ourselves with things that we like and, to a point, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But the greatest joy of it all for me, was in fact gladly letting go of a house that we’d loved and possessions that we’d liked because years before, my possessions had been everything to me. Yet somehow, their significance has waned. And not because of anything I’d done, just because I’d discovered that the richness of my relationship with God and my wife and my family – that’s what really matters.

Exodus 20:3-5 You must not worship any other gods except me. You must not make any idols. Don’t make any statues or pictures of anything up in the sky or of anything on the earth or of anything down in the water. Don’t worship or serve idols of any kind, because I, the LORD, am your God. I hate my people worshiping other gods. People who sin against me become my enemies, and I will punish them. And I will punish their children, their grandchildren, and even their great-grandchildren.

Listen, don’t make idols out of your possessions.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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