Why Faith Works?

Romans 3:28 I mean we are made right with God through faith, not through what we have done to follow the law. This is what we believe.

Christians will tell you that it’s not about working harder to get into God’s favour. In fact, they’ll tell you that it doesn’t matter how hard you work at being a good person, that will never, indeed it can never, be your ticket into heaven.

Now for a lot of people, that’s a rather disconcerting thought. We think to ourselves, “Well, if there is a God … I should be okay. I’m not a bad person. I’m not perfect mind you, but I’m not a murderer or a rapist or a wife beater. Yeah I should be pretty right.”

But that is simply not what God says.

I mean we are made right with God through faith, not through what we have done to follow the law. This is what we believe. (Romans 3:28)

Instead, as things turn out, it’s all about faith. You and I have – to put it bluntly – sinned. Jesus died to pay for that sin so that we can be forgiven. So the point is that it’s not about working harder to appease God, it’s about putting your faith in what Jesus has done for you.

So why is faith the key? Why does God forgive us when we believe rather than when we appease Him by doing good? Have you ever asked yourself that?

When you think about it, love is always about trust. For my marriage to continue to blossom, I have to trust that my wife is going to forgive me, even when I make a hash of things – which … I do, on a regular basis. If I don’t trust her, if I don’t put my faith in her faithfulness, in her grace, in her mercy, in her forgiveness – we can never truly be close. We can’t have a good marriage.

When you look at it that way, it makes sense, right? And that’s exactly how it is with God too.

God, who is even more just than the best legal system on the planet, is able to forgive us because the requirements of justice, His justice, were met for you and me on that brutal cross, when Jesus died for our sins.

And all He asks us to believe, is that He has forgiven us through the suffering and the death of Jesus Christ.

That’s why faith works. In fact, it’s the only thing that does.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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